Happy 2 year anniversary FINAL FANTASY XV!

On Thursday, FINAL FANTASY XV (FFXV) celebrated its two-year anniversary since game launch! As part of their long-running FINAL FANTASY series, Square Enix released action-roleplaying game FFXV on 29th November 2016 for both Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Upon initial release, the game had already totalled to about five million sales in one day. With the addition of many expansions and other downloadable content, there was also the Microsoft Windows release earlier this year. With FFXV having reached over seven million sales this last summer, the company hoped that their Windows version would help them get to their 10 million personal goal.

Both the official Japanese and English Twitter accounts for FFXV stated their thanks and appreciation to fans of the game, and even shared some new wallpapers for the special occasion. Besides the above, the company also made announcements prior the anniversary date, including:

“new content and a first look at the forthcoming DLC - FINAL FANTASY XV: EPISODE ARDYN. Players can look forward to a special collaboration event with FINAL FANTASY XIV Online and a new standalone edition of FINAL FANTASY XV MULTIPLAYER: COMRADES" 

Final Fantasy XV 2nd Anniversary Wallpaper
One of the wallpapers FINAL FANTASY XV's 2nd anniversary
Despite being only having finished the first chapter in the game some weeks ago (Yes, after two years of the game’s launch), the game lives up to the hype, with its beautiful graphics, scenery and soundtrack. The main characters seem great as well, all four having their distinctive personalities and quirks. However so far, I find the story’s pacing rather slow, but maybe this will improve within the next chapters of the game I play. I also decided to play with the Japanese voicing for characters, which is also quite good. Since I recognise some of the voice actors present, I find it more enjoyable as well.

Have you played FINAL FANTASY XV? What are your thoughts? Do you think they’ll manage to hit their 10 million goal anytime soon? Let me know your thoughts and thank you for reading!


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